The Magic and Mystery Inside of Writing the Struggles and Dilemmas of Your Fictional Characters

In the past nine to ten months, I’ve discovered I wrote the struggles of one of my characters in my most recently finished novella (first draft) are similar to my own personal life struggles.

It was written without my realizing this.

Somehow, we writers must translate what is in our hearts and minds and the difficult circumstances we may be facing in our lives, onto the Word document we’re typing regarding the situations our main character or characters are facing.

Is it part of a healing process?

As we authors know, writing is cathartic. And from the wellness paper I wrote back in college, writing in a journal or creating fiction heals trauma victims, as well.

Continually writing new stories and characters, I believe, we learn more about ourselves and others, and it helps us to grow in every way that counts: spiritually and mentally.

You learn to truly understand yourself and other people.

Literally, when I first started writing again in 2014, the first story I started to write was loosely based on my late teen/early twenties years, and a past romantic relationship I’d seen from my viewpoint and feelings for decades revealed I’d been myopic in my understanding our the relationship. I’d finally realized my former boyfriend’s point of view/side. It had been a great revelation and brought me clarity and peace.

Writing gives balance to an author’s real life.

Authors, leaf through your works and glimpse any areas where you see yourself partially in your main character or other characters and what situations may have mirrored your own presently or in the past.

What did you learn from your writing?


5 thoughts on “The Magic and Mystery Inside of Writing the Struggles and Dilemmas of Your Fictional Characters

  1. I’ve written a few manuscripts now, and I’ve learned that my MCs always have problems with their parents, and they always have to go through a training camp of sorts. I have no idea why these things always happen, and I’m a pantser so it’s not like I planned to be there too, lol. Wishing you the best with your WIP!

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